The Series Mascot Scrat was a fictional species at the time the movies were released, but an uncannily similar species, Cronopio, was discovered since then - which lived in the Cretaceous period, over 90 million years before the ice ages interestingly enough, another saber-toothed squirrel appears and becomes Scrat's love interest in the third film-the same one with the other dinosaurs-and is "appropriately" placed in the subterranean Lost World with the dinosaurs. The movies also feature Mesozoic reptiles, but their presence is acknowledged as anachronistic: there are sea reptiles that were frozen for millions of years, and dinosaurs that live in an underground Lost World. This includes brontotheres, Moeritherium, Platybelodon, Chalicotherium, Gastornis, and Hesperornis. Anachronistic Animal: The franchise features a number of relatively obscure prehistoric mammals and birds that were long extinct by the ice ages.What about the characters celebrating both Christmas and Easter in the Ice Age, despite the fact that they are supposedly living before Christ when neither holidays existed.Also, Pangaea? In the Ice Age?! Or Stonehenge, for that matter.The fourth film lampshades it, with Sid outright stating near the start that their fight against dinosaurs from the third film made no sense whatsoever.
Crosses over with Misplaced Wildlife and Artistic License Paleontology.The names of the two aquatic antagonists in the second film: Cretaceous and Maelstrom.There is also confirmation for the human baby's name, which is Roshan.Background information provided in the books and other websites confirms that Manny's family died in the Troubled Back Story Flashback in the original and corroborates the belief that his first child was a son.

A Day in the Limelight: The two Scrat shorts and Surviving Sid are highly focused on the two characters.Diego starts to work as a double agent, but along the journey he is befriended by Manny and Sid and finally joins them. Diego ( Denis Leary), one of the saber-tooths that attacked the humans, comes also claiming the baby. The two animals decide to search for the father and return the baby to him. Before she dies from her trauma, Manny and Sid rescue the baby. When a human camp is attacked by a pack of vengeful sabers, a woman takes her baby and jumps in a river. Meanwhile, a ground sloth named Sid ( John Leguizamo) is left behind sleeping when the rest of his family and all the other prehistoric mammals begin the journey to the south and decides to follow him. In the first Ice Age film, a migrating herd is traveling south-except Manfred ( Ray Romano), a reclusive wooly mammoth traveling north. He tries to bury his beloved acorn, but he only manages to create mayhem around him. The first three reluctantly come together and brave the deadly elements of the impending big freeze. In the Ice Age, a clumsy sloth named Sid, a grumpy woolly mammoth named Manny, a sneaky saber-toothed cat named Diego and an acorn-obsessed saber-toothed squirrel named Scrat are forced to become unlikely heroes. It was the first film in the Ice Age franchise, which would soon become Blue Sky's signature film series.
Ice Age is a 2002 computer-animated movie made by 20th Century Fox and Blue Sky Studios.